Girl Scout Troop 30499 was started in the fall of 2014 by Ms. Tracy and Ms. Alissa to give their Kindergarten daughters the opportunity to be Girl Scouts like they were as young girls.

A brief history

We sent invitations to all the Kindergartener girls at Wales Primary, and along with a few friends from Elma Primary, started a troop of about 10-12 girls. We met at the Wales Primary cafeteria, then the Town of Wales Town Hall building. The following year, we moved meetings to Under the Apple Tree and our First Grade girls hosted some interested Kindergarteners to show them what Girl Scouts was all about. They liked us so much, some of them joined our troop and we gained Ms. Gina as our third leader.

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

More info to be added soon.